How to make a zone device shrink

so I am trying to make a storm like system for a game and I ran into an issue. I cant figure out how to make the zone device shrink. I don’t know if its even possible to I thought I would post my problem here.

You can’t make the zone device shrink. Instead, you have to make something like this:

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so this is a good tutorial but I have one issue, I either didn’t see it or it doesn’t really show how to make it smaller.

do like animation, have one zone big, and one smaller zone, and the first deactivates when the second activates, and so on


zones don’t shrink you just create multiple zones that spread out and triggers activate them slowly.


Are you looking for the “Change Size” button in the bottom left?

You’ll need to get into the settings for the zone and look at the bottom left corner. You’ll see a blue button that says change size.

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I do like that idea, How would I do that with the materials though. I did not see world timer device or something like that.

You can use a trigger chain that activates upon the game starting and with a delay of 1 second and store the number of times the triggers are triggered in a property.

use wire repeaters instead, because they are less memory

Actually, considering the input and output wires, wire repeaters are more memory:

5 x 2 for wire repeaters
10 x 2 for wires repeating signal
10 for wire starting signal
10 for wire outputting signal
= 50 memory.

Wait, I’m lost and confused, what are those?

Like the wires to start and transmit the repeating signals.


  • counter

  • property

  • trigger x2

  • as many zones as you want
    Step 1: have the counter have a default value of how ever many zones you have, and have it update on property name: shrinker. Then make it decrement timer on triggered

    Step 2: get your property and name it shrinker (make sure it’s a number property), and have it brodcast on shrink when updated.

    Step 3: make the first trigger trigger when receiving on shrink, then in the blocks

 brodcast message on channel: create text with: #
                                                get property shrink

Step 4: place all your zones getting smaller and smaller. Have the most outside zone deactivate on # (the number of zones you have. Ex. 5) and keep going down

Step 5: get your second trigger trigger on and receive on triggered, and having the delay of how fast you want the zones to “shrink”

If you need help understanding anything, please ask

also welcome to the forums Teehee

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