How to make a winter wonderland Map! (Difficulty : 2/10)

A fun way to celebrate winter is here!!!
Things you might need:
Spawn pad
Item granter


Make sure to place your questioner close to the starting point/spawn pad.


When placing your props I find it easier to use Text then insert an emoji instead of having to create your own.


You can place down your zones to show where to shoot snowballs. Your Zones should look somewhat like this depending on what size you want them to be.

Then you can place down your wires to set off when you want the Zones to be activated. I recommend using “Player enters Zone, Activate Zone”

After you create your map you can use Props the add in your wonderland.
like this:

If you found this guide fun and helpful please like :heart:it!!! Comment about what you think needs to be improved.


Can’t you change the zone size? It would save a lot of memory.

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Nice guide @SMILE_4ME! Bringing in the Christmas season already?

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You could use it for christmas or just for a winter game

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Yes if you wanted to you could @cs3112583

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Also, I’m pretty sure you have a editing time limit (for the topic) so make sure to finish this up soon!

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Ok thanks @cs3112583

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Yes depending on your trust level, TL1 has 1 day, TL2 has 1 week, and TL3 has 1 month before you can’t edit the post.


How do we find out our trust level? and how do we move up in trust levels?

You’re TL1. It says on your profile. You have to be active in the community and meet certain requirements. More on that here:


How do we move up within our trust level? Is there like a certain amount of time you have to be a part pf the forum?

See the (edited) post above and click on the link to the other post.

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Nice guide! Its really cute!

Good job so far!