How to make a trapper ability

so to clarify the trapper class what it´ll do is it sets an invisible trap anywhere of your choosing and resets the button after it is triggered you can choose the effects (slow speed, dmg, or location reveal) and this is done using the pseudo tag system How to make a pseudo tag system :3
so to begin we place down the properties need all of them global and number based except for the trapper class property and the ¨x¨ and ¨y¨" properties and a coordinate system
and the game overlay ( the trigger just sets the trapper class prop to 1)
the wire repeater has no delay and hides the popup when it´s pressed (which is not active on game start+playerscoped and transmits on set trap) then we go to the game overlay´s blocks and put this in

then we grab a default relay link the coordinate system up to it (coordinates change equal trigger relay) and the trigger blocks should be like this

then finally the team prop setters which is the same as the pseudo tag system´s team prop setters

so basically how this works is once you press the button/game overlay
it sets your current coordinates as the trap´s coordinates and sets a boolean prop true and the trigger compares those coordinate to the designated teams coordinates and if they are less than the specified number and the boolean prop is true it resets the boolean prop to false and broadcasts on a channel which will do the effects you want it to do and once it broadcasts it shows the overlay again resetting the trapper ability

sorry for the disorganized guide
i felt lazy today ._. if you have any questions ask me tomorrow when im more awake
(i just know i missed some details somewhere in here…)


Nice guide! I skimmed through it and it seems pretty cool (I might use this, maybe even quite often!)

Outstanding guide! This could be use for many different things in GKC!

Cool guide! I was looking for one of these on the forum a while ago, thanks!