How to make a Timed Button

yes they are good right now, and if you want more information try going to the wix and asking about the dark ages, i preffure not to talk about it.

thanks i think this will help a lot

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Why wouldn’t it work for multiple buttons?

channels and a bunch of other stuff

why is this flagged?

You could use a different channel for another button or you can use a second wire repeater to deactivate the button instead of a channel.

how do i ask about the dark ages

no idea, some haters i guess?

you can go to the wix and ask there, its off-topic for the forum.

I suggest talking to @wingwave, on the discord if you can get to it.

i know i am working on a more efficient version of delayed button for multiple targets

do i have to request to jo!n a group

What I’ve done in the past is a button wired to two wire repeaters one with no delay deactivating the button and one with the delay you want activate the button. It takes up a bit more space and memory than I’d like but its simple and easy to use.

Why Was this flagged?? What Was Wrong About it?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

nothing was, and all that is known is guides, only mine are being auto flagged.

It’s not me. I’ll check all the groups that don’t like you to make sure it’s not them.

not Thingy
not :sunflower:
I bet it’s fr:cs but I can’t check that for another hour


thanks cassius

This was a good guide. I hope the mods get back to you WolfTechnology.

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Jeff did, he said he will look into it. I trust he will restore it soon. :crossed_fingers:

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there are so many groups
I can’t