How to make a step tracker in Gimkit [🟨]


Rare trigger loop sighting before shdwy’s topic!



But reusable :D
o7 Eggnoodle! - Kosm0-o
Eggnoodle, come home we miss you -harharharhar83

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now if you have x2.0 for example, would your steps double?

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I mean, using basic multiplication, yes
But what step are you talking about?

read the name of the guide.
steps taken.
like if I run two times as fast, do I take double the steps or do I just go faster?
i need to know this for my game.

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I don’t think it would count double the steps, because it is time-based, not distance-based.

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I need this!!!

Ghassan-approved :+1:t3:

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:potato: :arrow_up: Potato Bump!

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Bump (RIP no pictures)