How to make a step tracker in Gimkit [🟨]

Thanks for the 10 hearts guys!

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He made a speed modifier that would up your speed every step you take. In fact, he now has an account!


Checked, the username is a thing, but I don’t know if he wants me to say who he is or anything. He knows my @ so if he wants to let people know then he will probaably say something.

Okay, I thought it was weird you started talking about a “he” that I didn’t know.

Here is the context. I was replying to @EggNoodle

Is it sort of a RB simulator game?

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What’s RB? Sorry, I don’t game or anything like that.

I think it means Roblox

Ah, ok. Don’t play and only seen it once, so I have no clue.


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Yeah bump

wow this is a great guide! awesome job!


@EggNoodle you could wire the movement meter to a item item granter so you would never run out


It can track

Wow! Let me test it!

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I already did, they were surprisingly accurate!

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999999999999999 is the amount of items we have set up to track the players step.
999999999999999 x 0,25 = 249999999999999.75 (seconds)
Wait, I now wonder if that cauculation was correct…


Nice Guide, I used this in my map.
Also, Bump.
It took me 431 steps to get from the edge (border) of the map to the other side in a completely straight line.
(Actually 430 Steps because when you start the game, you it says you took 1 step even you didn’t.
Maybe I just did it the wrong way.)


Wait… @Haiasi- what’s “bump