How to make a simple Escape Room (Difficulty:🟩)

For this tutorial I used a small box but you can do this with almost any map.

  1. Build your escape room out of walls and put anything in it

  2. Place a barrier on the entrance (change the active scope to player)
    Screenshot 2024-12-21 10.11.52 AM

sorry forget the wires in my map

  1. Place a questioneir and add your kit

  2. Add a wire from the questioneir to the barrier (Update settings shown it picture)

  3. Add a wire repeater so if incorrect the player doesn’t get the correct answer
    add a wire from the wire repeater to the questioneir

    add a wire from the questioneir to the wire reapeater

  4. That should be it, please comment if not working
    P.S. Please tell me if I did this guide correctly, it’s my first!

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7.5/10 awesome guide

Cool. Thanks for adding pictures. I think this has been made before, though. (correct me if I’m wrong.) But overall, nice first guide!

Ah here.
Beautiful room.

Thank You!!
I tried my best

this might me what @Toxic is talking about - [Maps] The Fun and very simple way to Make Escape rooms!

the instructions in the guide are different, so I wouldn’t call it an exact copy

I typed this before I saw this post

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Alright, thanks for the update

@GimAI /gimai_rate [post/post_replies]