How to make a Shield with cooldown?

How do I make a shield with a cooldown? Specifically, I want it to work like this:

When the user presses a button on the game overlay, they get a 50 shield. For the 1 second after the user gets their shield, they move more slowly at 0.5 movement speed. After that their speed returns back to normal. The user can only use the button for the shield 2 seconds after their shield is destroyed by an enemy player.

Thank you in advance!


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To do this, make the overlay a button, and then make it so when pressed, it sends a signal to an item granter which could give them a shield can. Then, a counter could start decrementing by one with a second delay from a wire repeater (I can’t explain exactly how to do the counter in detail right now), then when the counter hits zero, use a speed modifier to set them back to 1. The speed modifier was also triggered by the overlay channel to set them to 0.5 speed. I’m not sure how to do the shield, or why you can use it 2 seconds after your shield goes away.

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Here, lemme type up instructions for you…

  1. This is relatively simple ↩︎

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Sadly, we can’t tell when this happens, so you can’t achieve your goals. Sorry.


Thanks again. The user is supposed to use it 2 seconds after their shield goes away to prevent them from spamming it, becoming too overpowered since my game is PVP.


Is it possible to make this shield with a cooldown if there is a cooldown of 10 seconds after the user uses the button (it doesn’t matter if it is destroyed or not)?

The button should wire to a trigger. That trigger can be deactivated after triggering and wire to a wire repeater with a delay of 10 seconds, and then reactivate the trigger.
Does that make sense?


So this is the best I could come up with…

You need these devices:
1x Health Granter
2x Overlays
1x Wire Repeater

Start with the health granter, and set it to this:

Next, set one of the overlays to this:

Then, set the wire repeater to this:

Wire the overlay to the wire repeater, and the wire repeater back to the overlay:

Finally, set the final overlay to this:

This should work!

Final Result:
Screen recording 2025-01-23 7.00.48 PM


Thank you, it works!

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