How to make a shield with barriers

So before I made a sword in Gimkit and i thought what’s a sword without a SHIELD so obviously I’m going to show how to make a shield today.
also don’t ask about the grass i modded the game so yeah

Step 1:get a light grey square barrier and size and position it like so

step 2:duplicate that same sqaure 2 times and position like so

step 3: get a light grey rect and position like so

step 4: duplicate that rect tangle and place it on the other side like so

step 5: add a light grey circle about ney big like so

step6: add a yellow barrier like so

step7: do that again like so

step8: and agian like so

step9: yay were done awsome so cool
just kidding what your going to do is add more yellow barriers behind the grey sides like so

step10: do that agian on the other side

step11: add a yellow circle behind the grey bottom circle like so

it should look like this so far

step12: add a big yellow sqaure behind like this

Neat guide, but can you proofread it for clarity and grammar next time? And maybe format it more? The functionality of guides decreases when the grammar is, no offense, subpar, and formatting makes it seem that much more polished, easy to read, and professional.

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This doesn’t seem all that helpful.
Try using dropdowns and make a full category (like barrier art for medieval gadgets.)

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its barrier art their isnt really anthing specific that this can be used for thats basically all art guides also i hate dropdowns kinda anoyying

Dropdowns help keep things organized and easy to navigate.
How is it hard to write text under [details=“Summary”]

Dropdowns are cool