So before I made a sword in Gimkit and i thought what’s a sword without a SHIELD so obviously I’m going to show how to make a shield today.
also don’t ask about the grass i modded the game so yeah
Step 1:get a light grey square barrier and size and position it like so
step 2:duplicate that same sqaure 2 times and position like so
step 3: get a light grey rect and position like so
step 4: duplicate that rect tangle and place it on the other side like so
step 5: add a light grey circle about ney big like so
step6: add a yellow barrier like so
step7: do that again like so
step8: and agian like so
step9: yay were done awsome so cool
just kidding what your going to do is add more yellow barriers behind the grey sides like so
step10: do that agian on the other side
step11: add a yellow circle behind the grey bottom circle like so
it should look like this so far
step12: add a big yellow sqaure behind like this