How to make a sentry follow you (but doesnt kill you)

ooooooooooooof so sad but so true.

That is what i was thinking but teh repeating code to do so would take some work.

to much memory to tho that

Well I guess you could try that. However you would have to do that by activating and deactivating a lot of sentries but it cause a lot of lag.

welll scince its a solo game the lag will be easier but how to the code?

@twofoursixeight’s method is really the only way because sentry’s can no longer able to interact with devices.

oh i didnt known that was true

Yeah, apparently sentries interactions with devices were a bug. Anyway back to on topic.

also why is my money genorater going so fast?

You are on-topic… but yes @twofoursixeight 's answer is the only possible solution.

how to make my money genorater 1 per sec cuz look up whats wrong?

Can you show the repeater settings

ok i have made on of those before

Hey, @DriftUknown_YT you might want to make a separate topic if you have another question

Here is a guide on how to make the generator.


You might want to add a slower delay because the delay is set to 1 meaning it activates every single second.

ohhhhhhh i get so like this?
Screenshot 2023-10-20 12.30.36 PM

Yeah so now it should activate after 3 and a 1/2 seconds. If you need more help on this make a new topic.

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