How to make a seconds survived leaderboard?

can someone reply alr?

is the property player scoped?

one moment (pls wait)

You need to connect the Lifecycle to a Relay (All Players) and the Relay (All Players) to a Counter.

(Lifecycle) Event Occurs —> (Relay) Trigger Relay

(Relay) Relay Trigger —> (Counter) Increment Counter

Since you’re making a Tag map, instead of connecting a Lifecycle (Player Knocked Out) to stop the Repeater, we’re going to connect a Tag Zone TO the Repeater.

(Tag Zone) Player Tagged —> (Repeater) Stop Repeater

Also, Repeaters suck.
(Just using it as an example if you don’t know how to make a Trigger Clock, Pika has an example with a Trigger Clock for you in the boytom post.)

whoops sorry pika, was typing while u were

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Edit: instead of placing lifecycle1, u can do what Haiasi said and connect the tag zone directly to trigger1

Add a lifecycle
Set the event to “Player knocked out”
This will be called Lifecycle1

Add another lifecycle
Set the event to “Game start”
This will be called Lifecycle2

Add a counter
Add two triggers
Add a property called “timesurvived”

Set the scope to “player”
Set “Visible In-game” to “no”
Make it update the property “timesurvived”

On one of the trigger, set the “delay” to “1” second. This trigger will be called trigger1. The other one is called trigger2
On both of them, set “Trigger on Player Collision” to “no” and “Visibile In-game” to “no”, and set “scope” to “player”


Lifecycle2 → Trigger2
“Event detected” → “Trigger”

trigger2 → trigger1
“Triggered” → “trigger”

Trigger1 → Trigger2
“Triggered” → “trigger”

Trigger1 → Counter
“Triggered” → “increment counter”

Lifecycle1 → trigger1
“Event detected” → “Deactivate trigger”

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ok ill try that @Pika_Pokemon And @Haiasi

i did it! but not with your way. I will teach yall

not to be rude or anything, but, when?
and sorry if this is rude

Please don’t necropost!

ok won’t do so anymore

How to make an accurate “seconds survived leaderboard” for tagging

sorry, didn’t see the guide, it’s a good guide

thank you!! Train guy

no problem

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