How to Make a Randomizer (Memory Efficient)

I know that guides like this have already been made, but they don’t have photos anymore, so I decided to make my own.

Items needed:
2+ things affected by randomizer.

First you have a trigger. (40 mem)
Then you go to blocks. (500 mem)

Then you set your variable to a random number between x and x (My variable was clicks, and my numbers was 1 and 100)

After, you make it so that if your number fits your parameters, (equal to, greater than, less than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to) it broadcasts a channel (mine was less than 51, and it broadcasted 1 click.)

You do another.

Finally you used the things affected by the randomizer and activate them based on the channel. (I get bait from 1 click and spectate from no click)

That’s it! Mine used less than 1% of my data. Enjoy!

Vote on its difficulty. 1/10 is easy. 10/10 is hard.

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You can simplify this even more. This system is using a 50/50 chance, but you can convert it to this:


One device receives on 1, and the other receives on 0.


Yeah, but I chose 1-100 in case people wanted more than 2 things affected by the randomizer, but thanks for your input to this guide!

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This has been done before with the same exact method…

the photos are gone.

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Oh. I forgot about that. Thanks for making it then!

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This isn’t a very memory efficient randomizer and it is very general. It can be simplified like Slim said.

Again, I did this in case anybody wanted to make more things randomized. I said that on post 3.

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Yes, but if you want an equal chance of things happening, doing this would not be efficient.

This is what I did in my Item Randomizer Trigger: I weighted certain things to be more common. But nobody batted an eye at my guide. So why are you scrutinizing this one small guide?

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Apologies, just trying to provide constructive criticism.


The Math ain’t matching:


Great guide, @TheGimkitGod!

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I don’t wanna be the bearer of bad news, but you could’ve used a notification instead; it costs 15 memory as opposed to 40, and it has more block options. This is a good guide!

yeah sorry, but not having the best efficiency destroys the point of it being a “memory efficient” guide :frowning_face:

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Thanks for the feedback. I didn’t know that.