How to make a one way door

You Will Need:
Terrain (Any You Would Like)
A prop (any that you would like)
4 triggers
(note that i am using winter themed stuff)
First Step:

Next Step:

Next Step:

Next Step:

Next Step:

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Next Step:

Next Step:

Next Step:

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Final Step:

Test It Out :slight_smile:
I hope this helped you :slight_smile:


you could also use zones

if u used a zone like RandomKid said behind a barrier and added a wire so “Player enters zone” to “activate barrier” with barrier set to “active on start: no”…

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this is a multi use one way door, which you respawn behind, and exit and can’t enter it again without respawning

The person that made this forgot to add a difficulty. Also I did this too with zones (if you want to see it).

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Bumpers . Hi

but you can still make a zone and a barrier with “player enters zone” → “activated barrier” and “player leaves zone” → “deactivate barrier” and save memory

O N E - W A Y B U M P

Great guide, @DinoDude!

Also, please change your settings so that your title no longer shows your real name. Personal information is not allowed.

i ran into the one way door through the wall part and bumped this guide!

(@Riptide i don’t think dinodude cares, just like i_like_props)

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it says that puting your ful anem is optinal

or you could place 2 zones 1 behind and one in front of the log and the on behind hides the log and then the on in front of it shows it when you bump into the zone.