How to Make a Notification when someone gets a point (for Knockouts)

This guide is very simple, and can be used to show knockouts, flag captures, and more! This one will show knockouts first though. There is no pictures, you have been warned. Screenshots are glitching out recently so yeah.

First, go to Map Options → Score, change the Score Type to Property, lets make it property in use named “Score Holder”. Make sure the score group is player, if it is team, it won’t work. If you want it to be team based though there is other guides for that. {How do I make score go up by one (for a team) when a flag gets turned in} Now, go to devices → property and place it. Change the property scope to player, and make the property named “Score Holder”. Change the property type to number and the default value to 0. Go back to devices, and get a notification device. Now go to blocks, go to receiving on channel, you can name the channel whatever you want, but I am going to name it “Play Notify”. Now, go to For This Device, and grab send notification and place it on the board-plate thing. Now get a another block called Triggering Player’s Name, and text {it should appear as blank if you are new.} Connect Trigger Player’s… to Title and text to content. Make the text say (has gained +1 point). This can work for ANY time of score based. Also don’t forget to go to property again and put the Play Notify channel to “When property changes, transmit on”

If you aren’t basing this for knockout, skip this paragraph below.

Get a Lifecycle and Counter from the devices tab. Make the lifecycle transmit on “Game Start”. Connect a wire to the counter. When “Event Occurs” → “increment Counter”. Go to the counter, go to property, and change and Update property to Yes, then make the Property to Update “Score Holder”. Now, you are done! Try out your new system!

Let me know if I made any mistakes when making this Guide. :slight_smile:

great guide but im pretty sure this was already made

Should I take this down then?

New images shouldn’t glitch out. Old images were deleted for storage issues.

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PhoenixWander Rating cuz yea.

Formatting - 0 / 10
Seriously, it’s a brick of text.

Pictures - 0 / 10
not much to say here

Originality: 2 / 10
it literally already says when someone kos someone, and people have made this guide before.

overall: 1 / 10

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That’s fair. I was scared to see pictures disappear again. It’s a very short guide, besides there is a bunch of guides just like this.

This one is better though: