How to make a NoNoWahooian boss fight (3/10)

In many video games, there is a boss you have to defeat. Today I’ll be showing you how to make a boss fight like that.

Final Result

All codes shown are inactive.

Part 1: The Hardware
Step 1: The Boss

If you look at the image above, you may notice there is a sentry (sorry if I blocked it with my gim), however the sentry doesn’t actually attack the player. To make this possible, you can just set the sentry on the same team as the player (or if there are multiple teams, put it in a zone without gadget fire.)

Step 2: The Warning

In the image above, the red barriers are warnings, telling you where the boss is about to attack. My character represents me (NoNoWahoo), so I have the barriers activate on nnwAttack1Prep, nnwAttack2Prep, and nnwAttack3Prep. One barrier activates on the preps for attack 1, 2, and 3, one on 2 and 3, and two on only 3. The barriers should also deactivate when the boss is damaged. For that I had them deactivate on nnwDamaged1, nnwDamaged2, and nnwDamaged3.

Step 3: The Attack

This is essentially the same as the warning, except I use lasers instead (due to the fact that the zones don’t trigger if they activate when a player is in them). The lasers should match up with the barriers in terms of when they activate and deactivate, however they should activate on nnwAttack1/nnwAttack2/nnwAttack3 instead. The deactivation channels should be the same as the barriers, however they should also deactivate on nnwAttack1Prep, nnwAttack2Prep, and nnwAttack3Prep. This is because if the player doesn’t attack the boss in time during its defend phase (coming next), the attack phase restarts.

Step 4: The Defense

I have 3 buttons centered on the sentry with max range. They activate on nnwDefend1, nnwDefend2, and nnwDefend3 respectively. They also deactivate on nnwDamaged# and nnwAttack#Prep, where # is the same number after the nnwDefend. They transmit on nnwDamaged# when pressed

Here's an image in case you didn't understand

Part 2: The Software
Step 1: The Triggers

The triggers have a simple job, that being to progress the fight. Here’s the order that the triggers go in:

  1. Triggers when the fight starts, waits five seconds, and triggers on nnwAttack1Prep.
  2. Triggers on nnwAttack1Prep, waits two seconds, and triggers on nnwAttack1.
  3. Triggers on nnwAttack1, waits five seconds, and triggers on nnwDefend1.
  4. Triggers on nnwDefend1, waits ten seconds, and triggers on nnwAttack1Prep. Deactivated on nnwDamaged1.
  5. Triggers on nnwDamaged1, waits two seconds, and triggers on nnwAttack2Prep.
  6. Repeat steps 2-4, but with a 2 instead of a 1.
  7. Triggers on nnwDamaged2, waits two seconds, and triggers on nnwAttack3Prep.
  8. Repeat step 6, but with a 3 instead of a 2.
  9. Triggers on nnwDamaged3, and does whatever you want to happen when the boss is defeated.
Step 2: The Health Tracker

The health tracker is made of a game overlay, a counter, and a property, and tracks the boss’s health while displaying it to the player.

The Overlay

The overlay is the most simple. It activates when the fight starts, deactivate when the fight ends, and has the following settings:

It also has the following block, which triggers when receiving on nnwOverlay:

The Counter

The counter has a starting value of 3, decrements when receiving on the damage channels, and is linked to the property nnwHealth. It resets when the player is knocked out.

The Property

The property has the following settings:

  • Name: nnwHealth
  • Type: Number
  • Default Value: 3
  • When changed, transmit on: nnwOverlay

I believe that is all! If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to let me know! You can change the channels to whatever you want, I just used the channels I used due to the name of my boss. You can also feel free to modify the property and counter so that the boss has more health, but make sure to update the triggers as well.

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  • 11/10 (do not choose this :skull:)
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oh yeah i did something like this once. i hated making it. I did SO MANY LASERS so it took FOREVER.

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Isn’t there a lot of these already?

I suppose, but no two guides are exactly the same.

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This also tracks health, first time I’ve seen a guide do that so very cool

literally 2 of them are boss attacks

1 is a resource

one is just a sentry with a questionaire

and the last one is a platformer

so no there isn’t a lot of guides. There’s a lot of guides on the same topic/idea but not a lot of guides on the same specific thing.