How to make a neutral sentry

How is that a problem
whether you can fire at it or not, the method still works

wait I might need to delete this guide because you can’t fire at the sentry if it is on the same team as you

don’t worry its about how to make a sentry not shoot
not how to make a sentry that doesn’t shoot but you can also fire at it

??? what does that mean
my brain isn’t working

again, ಠ __ಠ

How to make a neutral sentry

it only says neutral sentry
it says nothing about shooting at it

Like I used a zone for NPC sentries
somebody might want to do that

wait you can make the zone small only the sentry wouldn’t be able to fire
I’ll add that

that was patched
zones used to be able to interact with sentries
try a zone with no gadget fire on a sentry

…But wouldn’t you not be able to fire?
also probably you should credit me for de idea
wait what

zones don’t work with sentries?

They used to, it was just patched.

thats very goofy
they really need to unpatch that or just add npcs

Bruh I guess there is no way to make a neutral sentry using my way

lol neither way I guess
so now my map prob don’t work

  1. already possible, not as a device but with device systems

as for @leahciM, you can put a barrier on it

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Thanks @Haiasi now the neutral sentry works

might want to put that in your post instead

Nice guide, @leahciM! I wish the zone still worked…

My guide is for a neutral sentry not a passive sentry

I bumped into a sentry I accidentally knocked it out and now it’s firing at me

what kind of bump is that wat the he- nvm