How to make a "moving" poison fog [šŸŸØ]

Could you renew the guide?

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this guide was made a few months ago so there isnā€™t any way to edit it.

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I mean can he do it again Since I am Really!!! wanting to do this

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i am currently working on a better version of this guide, but i kinda ran into some problems:

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add the energy movement meter and a negative item granter and in zone you lose 1 energy at a time!! GENIUS :smiley:

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i like that solution but the problem is that ā€œpoison fogsā€ are supposed to make you weaker (weaker as in less health), to discourage players from entering it as they would be easily picked off by anyone outside the fog. if the fog encircles the map, it encourages players to either sacrifice their health by going into the fog, or engage in close combat with other people. thats what poison fogs are supposed to do, and many games use that concept, such as brawl stars or
if an item is used instead as a ā€œbreath meterā€, it still discourages players from staying there for a long time, but it doesnt weaken them. it doesnt subtract their health, or make them an easier target for others. thats what a poison fogs all about.


well you die if you lose all energy

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this guide is golden :+1:


bumpity bump bump bumpity bump bumpā€¦what oh sorry i was singing frosty the snowman!


When I saw this title, I instantly thought THIRD QUARTER QUELL MAGS and broke down crying
If you know you know

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amazing guide

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Donā€™t bump unless its more than 5 days old.


Oops, sorry- forgot about that part


bump! luv the poison fog guide, super cool!

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Bumpity dump dump goes the poison fog

Great guide!!! Canā€™t believe this needs anotherā€¦ā€¦BUMP!!!

How is this not in resources for battle royale? Iā€™m adding this now!

thats more than 5 days.

OoOf tOpIc

no I was bumping you silly