How to make a list of who has pressed a button! šŸŸØ

Thatā€™s more blocks, not less my brother.

Umm, I donā€™t think soā€¦

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Screenshot 2024-08-24 19.32.12

bro what the pic isnā€™t working

No, we are talking about the comma code.

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Iā€™m bumfuzzled. what comma code?

The code that makes the commas not appear before the 1st name.

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In that case,

yeah it is less.

I have a mind ykā€¦ -_-
anyways, no falme war back to the hollows

What do you mean! Iā€™m not trying to put you down or anything! I was just bumfuzzled :sob:

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sorry Kosmoā€¦

Also, for better memory efficiency shouldnā€™t you just have one text device and limit it to one block (500 memory)? and have the text set to Votes: numplayervote | Players who have voted: playervote

just suggestiojn

Yeah, i guess you could do that too.

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i hate blocks

may i suggest [ :scroll: ] The Ultimate Guide to Blocks!
and ==The Ultimate Beginnerā€™s Guide To Blocks ==

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Glad to see you active again sometimes!

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Well, the blocks here are given to you, so there is not too much to learn.

@LxmasHasCandy is unbanned!?

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Should I end the poll?

Itā€™s 4/10 now:)


sorery i had to do it

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