How to make a list of who has pressed a button! 🟨

Yea, I’m back :slight_smile:


read bio

(I’m in there, awesome)

goodbye, annoying underage tomato. (it’s a discord thing)

unless your back and didnt update your bio yet, if so then welcome back

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You got eaten by Top z? sounds painful.
I almost got eaten by Blizzy and Kosmo


i can’t believe they took that seriously
i got banned from discord all in all

I mean it’s precautions yknow

math thrive said he was underage as a joke and even though we all know he’s a literal teacher, nevertheless, he was banned for a bit

but welcome back annoying underage tomato!

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Let’s get back on tomat-
I mean topic



ALOT of things happened when you were gone.

(last off-topic post from me here)

eh not really, just a guide purge, not a lot but yea

lots of guides deleted, like the tricks and trolls guide, map ideas to cure boredom, and some tug’s.

sadly. But besides that that’s all that happened.


imagine a player that has the gold thing in tycoon, day one gim, and just a gold theme profile bio thing with all the badges, would be kinda cool lol. But first devotee! :O that’s impressive

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they deleted clicclac’s guides
thats quite literally !llegal

Omg @eiqcrmeliutgwhc Congrats on devotee!


o7 TaigaBiome