If your game needs one just follow these instructions
Step 1) place down a trigger
Step 2) set when triggered, transmit on: the name of command
Step 3) place counter
Step 4) put increase value: the name of command and allow target vaule - put target vaule to number of choice
Step 5) Add the item or thing you get when leveing up
Step 6) Add wires (if not lazy, put target reached : the second command name) and set to target reached - grant thing
Step 7) add more counters for more levels and set them to previous counter’s target + ammount of things needed
First counter - 5
Second counter - 5 + 10
Third counter - 15 + 20
I hope this guide is good for rpg’s mostly, sense i used it for mine
Also this is the first guide i made, i will be okay if people think its bad
Sorry the code is there also, I forgot to cover it, Its not opened though]