How to make a healpad ❤‍🩹 (CREDIT: NavyCatZ)

Nice guide! Remember, pictures are powerful! It would be much easier to understand (for newer gims) if screenshots were added.

Hasn’t this been made already?


Nice Guide! But It’s Missing Pictures, Something Important!

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I need evidence to see. I credited NavyCatZ in the top.

Nice guide! One thing I would add would be the actual guide that NavyCatz made so people don’t have to search

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The two zones are stacked on one another BTW.

@thatOneCringe, maybe add the link below to the guide, it’s the one by Navy:


@thatOneCringe, one more thing: maybe use a wire for entering the zone and channels for leaving the zone. That would save 200 memory.

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This is genius! Now the players have a way to heal, but not infinitely!

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Just a suggestion, you can add a zone highlighted with terrain blocks to show players where to stand.

I made something similar to this a two days ago lol

On your creative map or on the Forums?

creative map, and it was different anyway…

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Good guide!

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It only has 3 wires, which will only take up 10 memory each. It is 30 memory, not 300.

How much memory does 1 zone use? That’s right, 200. 200 more being used with that second zone.

Oh I see. Thanks. But it is still 230 memory, not 300. I will stop replying now.

Just a suggestion! add a spawn pad in the zone, it is called “healpad” (make it either for an extreme numbered team like “team 57”) or only allow spectators to spawn there, then make it visible in the game!

Cool guide. o7 thatOneCringe.

Maybe use a spawn pad that no one spawns at, and is visible, to make the healpad.

it would look like one ig