How to make a Greg | Credit goes to DRUMROLL PLEASE: @cheesebox, @C-C, @WolfTechnology

Alrighty then. I will change and give credit to cheesebox

It is @cheesebox, @C-C, and @WolfTechnology that helped, I think that was what @CassiusDoomlorde said.


Ok Sir, Will do. I will put em in

She’s a she btw


You can edit your post if you want :slight_smile:

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Ah oh no. Sorry madam

I know me of all people correcting grammer, but shouldn’t you say ma’am? instead of madam?


That’s the old way of saying it. I am being Antique. Now LeTS GET BACK ON TOPIC!!!


What do you mean by no lives? @Haiasi Are you saying I don’t have a life?

No, Haisai is having a political statement saying that regulars spend too much time on the forums and you don’t have to credit them for no reason.

Note how Wolf is credited in the title even though he has nothing to do with this guide.

This goes on the whole concept of regular worship.
They’re just people. Normal people. No need to act shocked when they like your post. No need to hail them or anything.
They don’t necessarily even know more about the forum or Gimkit, they just spend more time here.


So he’s saying regulars don’t have a life?

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lol yes kind of

that’s why Blackhole and mysz left
they needed a break


We should give the creepy man a name.

So then. What name should we give him? And about Wolf Technology in the Credits, is he supposed to be there or not? Im very confused as multiple people said that cheesebox gets the credit or all three shown above get credit.

Looks like a greg.

Creepy man = Greg


Definitely a greg!
Sure does look like a greg anyway

nice guide @thatOneCringe.

Great guide! but shouldn’t we make a wiki or smth that people can add all their gimkit people to? cuz these guides are scattered and everywhere.

Yes, that is the issue and this is the exact reason this guide exists.

Some people don’t add it though and choose to create a guide


It depends on the size of art. Some things, you can tell how to make by looking at them. Some, are more complicated.