How to make a Greg | Credit goes to DRUMROLL PLEASE: @cheesebox, @C-C, @WolfTechnology

So I credited you on the title of this forum

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Do you have any other ideas for a forum I could use or no?

What do you mean by forum? that is what we are on, or are you creating one.


  1. Scale up a Anvil and rotate it 180 degrees.
  2. take two other smaller anvils and rotate them 180 degrees, like the boots of a person.
  3. Scale up a piece of bread and rotate 90 degrees, put it under the large anvil.
  4. Take 4 sticks. Put two sticking out the front of the figure, and two diagonally, connecting these sticks to the upside down anvils.
  5. Add alien plants (Purple one) to the ends of the “arms”
  6. Tint everything black
  7. (OPTIONAL) add a bread tinted red as the eye

Forget it. it is not important

How could you add a art tag/

Alright, but if it bothers you, let me know I am here to helpyou if you need it.

Did you mean topic?

That’s what The_7th_Dragon says to every guide.

No, I do not say that to every guide. Also, why am I credited in the title?

Great guide! This could go reallly well with the Friend that @TheCentaursHoof and I made

Btw we’re making a whole game based on the Friend
and HOW DO YOU GUYS BUILD DURING CLASS you guys are lucky ;-;

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woah this is creepy, nice guide!

@thatOneCringe Why is @The_7th_Dragon credited? No offense to her, but she didn’t really help you…

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Cassuis Doomlorde said three TL3’s

The_7th_Dragon is a TL3

@Blizzy, Could you mind helping me find the three TL3’s that made a creepy man so that I may give them credit? Thanks for the help.

yeah, I don’t think it was tl3s who made them…

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What do you mean by “Don’t overpower them from you”

Is it okay then if One of you, @The_7th_Dragon and @Haiasi to help me find ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO MADE A CREEPY MAN?
(sry for yelling)

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