How to make a good lobby

Like say, “Hey welcome to the forum [user (no ping]. I hope you find everything you need here! And connect with this awesome community” sometime like that.

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Have we considered that someone whose job is partially to manage a community and do PR might know what he’s talking about? Especially someone who has been with gimkit far longer than anyone of us have been playing it?

yeah thats whats needed. plus most of the flame wars and forum firenot a thing btw happens between new and old users so something on that would help too.

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Alright, sounds good everyone. Will check on this tomorrow, and make a nice codex for new players.

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what no
we dont need that
we established this


Oh yeah, I’m gonna take a moment to say this too-

If you’re just going to say welcome to the forums on a post, and not actually help the person on the post afterwards, DON’T DO IT!
If you’re gonna welcome someone, you’re going to help them too. Pasting a copypasta and ignoring them is incredibly rude.


i don’t understand why people think the forums on fire or crumbling, its really not.

oh god yeah
i literally saw that like twice today

@WolfTechnology yes it is

I thought we just established this isn’t something we need. Jeff already wrote his own copypasta, let’s just use that if we’re deadset on sending new users something lol


Its rude and annoying. That is to all you users that still do that. Im gonna peace out into the void. Cya forum.


Ok, sounds good then. (So I won’t make codex, probably better for them to learn it over time)

The forums is honestly is a nice healthy state I’ll say. It’s recovered from the fighting, but most forum users are staying fine. Only thing really is ban speedrunners, but the last one was like 4 weeks ago, so we’ve been chilling for a nice amount of time. (besides alt argument)

no its not, and im online, on the same post, ready the same stuff. So please don’t ping me.

yeah, i don’t do that.

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lmao forums are honestly pretty fine lol


that you will never get rid of. All you need to do is give them what they want.

take a hint



I have tl2 now, shouldn’t that give me more breathing room to tidy my mistakes up?

Reasons why forums are good still

  • Everyone getting along right now
  • The guides that copy aren’t that bad…
  • Still time to correct them
  • I have no other reasons but time to stop now and go slep :sleeping:

yes, 30 days.

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See! They are fine i don’t understand the “im leaving forums ae on fire” stuff.