How to make a good lobby

Yeah. Ban speedrunners love attention. The best way is to ignore, but yeah, I’ma go listen to what I said.

Bruv we literally chatting on a copy guide.


yes a bit more, but you still want to try not to make any.

you need 15 for tl2.

No editing time on a guide…at tl2

All I can say is most people who say “the forums are on fire” are hypocrites, most of the people who are saying that are causing it.


I don’t get you hint and no i can make shorter replies or long ones. People tend to read the short ones.

oh yeah it thinks it is 30 days. google it.

this is just funny im gonna go do my math homework now lets all chill and stop chatting lol


Yes I agree. But the forum isn’t really worth the time anymore. Some of my friends here would I think also agree.


yeah forum is probably the worst of the gimkit platforms in terms of how much fun i have on it
ok actually going to do work now


riiiiiiight, you’ve never been one to care about clutter?
are you really going to get all defensive about causing clutter yourself?

I think a mediator has to stop this argument…

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Oh… the power of a moderator

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ah, and of course tens of short replies isn’t clutter?

Here we go again. Wolf it seems you get into a lot of arguements. Can you maybe not?

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Please don’t try and start and argument, don’t say your not. Your word choice shows it. Yep Im preventing that @Magenta_Dragon i don’t care to argue with karl, theres no point.


I have fixed all of my errors. Please tell me if I missed anything :slight_smile:

Now its a nice guide :smiley: