I need it for my gimkit game
Use popups or if you have the season ticket, use the dialogue device
try searching?
bout a million guide on this
They tried, but couldn’t get it to work and deleted the system.
And remember no pictures left.
Don´t worry it is ok
You can have an overlay button that brings up a pop-up. In the pop-up it can have several options for different words to chat. A customizable chat system in-game is impossible, but you can add in common words or words that would suit your game.
ok I will give it a shot
The easiest way to make a chat system is to make a popup that has all of the thangs you can say (as the action). But if you have the season ticket use a popup call to action device. And then use a game overlay and put the overlay type to button. So then wire the overlay to the popup and with the setting to button pressed…open popup. And then use a Notification device and set the Notification title the same thing a the action on the popup and set the send notification to everyone. And you have built it!
i don´t want to chat i want the person to chat with other players
If i’m getting this correctly, the system Jerry and I explained works, but the only problem is that people can spam it. You could put a cool down on it as well. And you are able to chat to others with that system.
ok you could give it a shot and can you do it for me please
Do you mean that you want me to set it up and take a picture? I can do that, but it might take me a bit.
Remember you aren’t allowed to share codes.
I made an easy chat system in my cops and robbers game…
You set a pop-up to change to another pop-up when receiving on something like “Popup 2,” and when the primary call-to-action is pressed, make it transmit on a channel that distinguishes what they picked to say.
All there is to do then is place a notification, and set it to send on the distinguished channel.
Do you have the season ticket?
no i don´t have a season ticket @Thats_Gimpossible and others
Check out the discovery tool on Gimkit to find games that are already created—it’s a great way to get ideas and see what works. You can use those examples to improve your own game, but don’t forget to give credit to the original creators to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.
I would recommend searching up, “Chat”
You can put a notification device down and push blocks (at the top left) Put down these blocks: Activity feed for everyone → create text with → “ ” (for message of choice)
Hopefully that helped oh yeah this doesn’t need a season ticket
@BountyHunterX can you please show me how to finish the chat thing you did
Yeah, I can…
Post the code in a Google Docs, and send me the link.