How To Make a Door That Needs a key ๐Ÿ”

First, get a barrier that will be your door.
Screenshot 2023-09-05 4.59.50 PM
Then have a button stick out of the barrier.
Screenshot 2023-09-05 5.01.46 PM
the buttons properties should look like this.

Then Wire the Button to the barrier like this.

Add a checker device.

Configure the properties of the checker like this

Of course you can use any item you want as the key (even weapons).
Add an item granter device with the item you chose.
Screenshot 2023-09-05 5.13.05 PM
Configure the granter like this.

Add a Popup device.
Screenshot 2023-09-05 5.15.48 PM
Configure the popup like this.

Then wire the checker to the popup like this.

Then wire the checker to the item Granter like this.

The wire the checker to the barrier like this.

Then wire the checker to the Button like this.

Then when you have the item, you can open the door, then it deletes it, it you do not not the item to be deleted, delete the item granter.
So there! your quest maps are better now!


Nice guide!


Nice Guide @WiggleDJim!

This isnโ€™t my guideโ€ฆ

Sorry wrong name!

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  • 1/10 or :blue_square:
  • 2/10 or :green_square:
  • 3/10 or :green_square:
  • 4/10 or :yellow_square:
  • 5/10 or :yellow_square:
  • 6/10 or :orange_square:
  • 7/10 or :orange_square:
  • 8/10 or :red_square:
  • 9/10 or :red_square:
  • 10/10 or :purple_square:
  • 11/10 or :black_large_square: / :skull:
0 voters

Bump. Canโ€™t you just use a vending machine?

Bump. Itโ€™s called a re-usable keyโ€ฆ

Hehe bump because @WiggleDJim needs some credit. :smiley:

Noice guide! I like the amount of images you used and how detailed it is!
Great job!