Ben’s version of a timer for the game host!

I know there are a few guides like this, but @BrownSugarAlien wanted me to make a guide so here we are! This is MY version where the game host can edit the timer to be whatever they want, just like normal game modes.

Step 1: Setup

First off you are going to need a room where the game host spawns so that they can change the game time. A few designs that I’ve used for stuff like this:



Now add a spawn pad that only the game host can spawn on in that room

Spawn Pad Settings:

Lastly you will need a property called “timer”

Property Settings:

Also make sure in map options that game clock is disabled



Step 2: Creating Customization

First you need a counter. This will show how many minutes the game will be

Counter Settings:

(The starting value can be whatever you want as long as it will be possible to set the game time to that number. (Also make sure that the original property value is the same))

Now you need 4 buttons. One to add 1 minute, one to add 5 minutes, one to subtract 1 minute, and one to subtract 5 minutes.

Button Settings:
+1 Button

+5 Button

Copy and paste for the channels:
add check, add check, add check, add check, add check

- 1 Button

- 5 Button

Copy and paste for the channels:
minus check, minus check, minus check, minus check, minus check

Next you will need 2 checkers.

Checker #1 Settings:

(The Value for comparison should be the max amount of time that the game can be set to.)

Checker #2 Settings:

(The Value for comparison should be the minimum amount of time that the game can be set to.)

Step 3: "Starting The Game"

First you need a button to that the host can press to “start” the game. This could be an overlay or an actual button, whichever works best. Just make it transmit on “ready”

Now you need a trigger. Make it trigger when receiving on ready. Now create this block with it to convert the minutes to seconds

Block Code


Then you can add a relay that transmits on something like “all ready” and teleport everyone into the map, but I won’t go into too much detail about that.

Step 4: Making The Timer

Pretty much all you need for this is a game overlay. The only settings you need to change is to show when receiving on “all ready” and not shown on game start
But, you need a block. Create a new block that receives on a channel from a trigger loop.

If you don't know how to make a trigger loop




The Block


Add a trigger with a block

Trigger Settings:

Block Settings


And an end game device that receives on end game. That should be it! It should work! Hopefully!

If you have any questions just ask. I kinda rushed this


Can’t you just link the already made guides to the topic posted?
This is a duplicate, so I suggest you close this.
ClicClac Version
JoeTheChicken’s Version

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bro how do you close a guideline?

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if their is no solution button

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Moving to devices, then marking a solution. @adagio_sostenuto

after you do that can you make it back to community guidelines bc what if it is an actual guidlelin that you want closed?

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Never Mind. @Blackhole927 Close this duplicate please.

bro i understand you i still want to know can you move it back to guidelines w/o it being flagged

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I don’t have the answers to everything, you know?

For @adagio_sostenuto

I played the game in ur bio btw:)

i understand i thought you were able to know that

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No problem:)

thanks for tring to hlep me tho

Yeah sorry guys my bad

You shouldn’t feel bad, there’s nothing wrong here. I don’t know why people get so uppity about duplicate guides. It’s not preferred, but duplicates aren’t the end of the world unless you’re directly copying from another guide. Don’t let people get you down:)


Thanks bh. I don’t feel bad, I know they have good intentions. It should have just been replied in the help topic it was for anyways. I had a feeling this would happen, so it wasn’t a huge letdown. I just got regular too so I can’t feel bad :smile:



I’m glad the next regular was an actually useful person


@Blackhole927 why are there now 51 TL3? What’d you do?!
(half them aren’t even active…)


I know Right?! What Happened?

Ummm… The next regular? There is a lot, including me. :slight_smile:

WolfTechnology is now a member!?

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