I’m currently making a clicking game, and when I added the counter that checks how much clicks you have, it worked. But then I decided to make a store, and when you had 20 clicks, you could buy a GimBerry. But I also wanted the counter to subtract 20, but it didn’t work and instead subtracted 1.
Can you elaborate your shop system in your game more? Perhaps take a few screenshots?
have multiple triggers wired or channeled to it to subtract 1
and so each trigger will be how many clicks you want
I don’t think so- but you could use gimkitsuggestors suggestion, or just send the same channel 20 more times (or text if you can)
dont use a counter, instead a property, and if u need to show how many clicks u have, then just linkth property to the counter
Use a trigger for blocks. Instead of the counter, use a property and a text.
Wire the trigger to the text and put these blocks in:
If you don’t want blocks, sorry, I can’t find another way @Tropicool.
yeah there really isnt another way other than repeaters, or a bunch of wire repeater or a bunch of triggers.
all these are not worth it. too inefficeient
It’s definitely a lot better to use properties in this case, since you can subtract and add any amount you want to in the blocks
reapeater I advise not to use.
and there always a way
if we look back at a bug where there was -1 on the counter
sorry i currently having trouble finding the bug.
have a negative on a counters a bug???
yes this was a thing in the bug section and I having trouble finding it.
Make the target counter the counter that you want to increase, and make the OG counter store the number you want to increase by.
Thanks! I will definitely try this
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