How to make a colon-separated timer (Difficulty: 🟨)

Uhhh probably ¯ \ _ ( ツ ) _ / ¯

"question for whereismycrown

who exactly is gimsolver_alt?

Why would he know? Plus, he said it’s probably someone from school.

If you were to look at his posts, he says that he know who gimsolver_alt is, which i highly am intrigued about (not who he is irl)
anyways, time to get back on topic

unnamed (1)

I don’t think so, just stop the timer at five minutes.

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my timer won’t count down, it’s just stuck at 0:00

i found what was wrong, never mind

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How Does This Not Work
Screen Shot 2024-06-10 at 6.46.39 PM


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Hey! Welcome to the forums, @EVCA0415!
Make sure to check out new-user-must-read and forum-beginners while you’re at it!

@JoeTheChicken some people I know have been getting a problem where they make this timer but then suddenly it stops working once they add some more stuff to their map.

The only solution I’ve found out so far is to just remake the system. It’s definitely a bug and not a problem with the system just wondering if there’s a way we can prevent this since the bug seems to affect this system only(maybe it’s the block code?)

It looks like the problem might be that people are naming their properties “timer,” which might interfere with the in game timer.

i found a problem, and this isn’t your fault, but all the + are actually these things ÷

(post deleted by author)

Wait, Foxy wasn’t talking about the specific code EVCA sent. She was just addressing a general problem that people have.

Great guide by the way!
Using this in my summer themed build :slight_smile:

ok, i didn’t understand, thank you for telling me

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I have no idea what all that math means but I did what the guide said and IT ACTUALLY WORKED!!! :+1::+1::+1::+1: Great guide! That probably took years to figure out that math.

Man, bumping into these blocks hurt


Isn’t there a more efficient way of doing this in this guide? Or am I silly?

