How to make a Chess Board(Not the mechanics)

eh, at least english is fairly easy

Can I get a thank you for giving you the emojis lol

Wait you gave me the emojis?

OH U DID! Sorry i forgot about the other post. Lemme give u credit sorry

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You don’t need to bump something that has a reply in the last 2 days.

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Yeah, I suggest waiting at least a week or two. Bumping is for guides that were lost in time.


Ok. Thank you for telling me!

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No problem, everybody makes mistakes!

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In the “Emoji’s Used” part, the emojis are switched… (Black emojis are white and vice versa)
Other than that, you made a really great guide!


This part.

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Ohhhhhh. I get what ur saying. Let me explain. The ones I said were white pieces are white pieces and the same with the black pieces. You just have to paste it in a text device in gimkit and then it will actually look white or black.


Oh ok! Thanks for clarifying!

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Np! Glad to help.

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Making chess peices move here you go

Making chess peices move here’s this just in case

This guide was how to make the chess board (not the mechanics)

Bump I love this idea

Again, please wait a week between bumps. Chess is actually really close to being made mechanics wise, but the property limit is getting in the way.