How to Make a Cat! [0/10] ⬜

Hey guys! Here is another easy tutorial using props for art! I was going to make another tutorial using wires and devices, but, umm… Let’s just say it didn’t go that great… :sweat_smile:

Step 1. Gather Props and Barriers

Out of the props section, grab an evil potted plant, a medieval fork, a barrel, and two dirt. You’ll also need 4 barriers, two black and two yellow. Here is a picture of all the things in order:

Step 2. Put It Together

Since this is such a simple guide, I’ll just give you picture on how to place the items. (It doesn’t matter what layer you put them in, because you’ll tint it black after.)

Step 3. Tinting

This step is pretty straight-forward. Just tint all the props black, but leave the barriers the same as before.

And there you have it! I hope you found this mini guide helpful, and here are some other guides I recommend for making a cat!

Check out my other guides!


Oh, that cat looks really cute! And perfect for the halloween season.


A very nice looking cat and a very helpful Art guide!
Maybe add Pumpkins or Spiders for a more spooky vibe?

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I don’t celebrate Halloween, but feel free to add anything to your cat to make it how you want! (I just made it black because it would weird if I didn’t tint the props :sweat_smile:) I also did this because of the simplicity… LOL, in the starting paragraph I said how I tried making a tutorial that includes wires and devices…

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Yeah using Wires and devices are quite hard to know how to use them anyway still a great guide!


GREAT! AMAZING! FANTASTIC! nice it looks perfect!

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There Is This To:
Edit: It’s Dodge Gim Covered In Barriers And Text.


Like @Cellofive said, the cat is cute! This totally fits the theme of Halloween. This is a very useful art guide! Excellent job!

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CUTE! I especially love the lil bump on its head <3! Good job


Thanks a lot! :grin: :grin: :grin: I’ll make a new guide soon!


nice the cat looks sooo cool
