How To Make A Cafe Game

This guide is an overview of the steps to make a cafe game. I hope you like it!

Also, credits to this guide for literally helping me through the entire guide:

Props/Interior Design

I made the cafe kind of like @Chong 's but tweaked some things. For the table, use wall tiles. For the menu use text and a marble sign, and add little touches like bookshelves and plants to make it yours!
Credits to @x.mochi for the floor tiles as tables.

Step One

Place down a button in front of the menu and edit the settings like this:

Step Two

Then, make a popup. Set the header as the title of your cafe or restaurant, and make the content text menu, and the channel the same one from the button.

Step Three

Then, go to Call to Action. Edit the call to action label so it says something like View Menu. Make the channel whatever you want.

Step Four

Make another popup set so it opens when receiving on the channel you just picked in step three. Make the header the item the player can order and the content text the price.

Step Five

Now in the Call to Action, make the primary label Order item and the channel ____order. Then, make the secondary label Next item and set the channel to anything. For more items, you can make more popups and set them for the same channel that the last popup’s secondary call to action channel was.

Step Six

Place a vending machine and edit it like this. The required item amount can change based on the item the player is trying to order. Make sure it’s not visible in game.

Step Seven

In the vending machine’s channels section, make the attempt to purchase when receiving on channel the primary call to action’s channel in step three. (_____ order)

Step Eight

Make a notification if the player does not have enough money to buy the item by wiring the vending machine to a new popup and select the wire settings like this:

Use a question device to grant cash!


Nice Guide!


Nice guide @I_Like_Props!
Idea: Two Teams, one, the customers and two, the waiters/servants.
The customers can choose to order an item on the menu, and if the waiter gives the food on time, they get a point.
If they don’t, team customer gets a point.


Thats a great idea!


That’s a good idea! It makes the game more competitive and I love that.


wait just to make sure is this a wip but if not or but is THIS IS THE BEST GUIDE I EVER SEEN (sorry for the caps)


This isn’t a wip, and thank you! No need to be sorry for the caps!


Nice guide!


i reccomend using actual table props and for aestetics, put a stovetop and ovens for wherever the chefs and stuff like that are


Yeah, the props are just a prototype. You can change it to whatever you want.

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Nice guide!


Hey, I don’t mean to be nitpicky, but I noticed that your tables are similar to the ones in my café tutorial (and I haven’t seen anyone else use floors for tables)… Nonetheless, your guide is pretty cool!

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Oh… I didn’t credit you? Gosh, I’m sorry about that. Yeah, I used your tables. I’ll credit you!

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Thank you! :heart:

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This guide seems like almost a replica of the other ones, and i don’t think replicas are necessary- great guide thogh

Oh yeah, but I think that there are lots of variations. Also, I’m working on another version inspire by Haiasi’s idea:

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good point

spell check

Correct spelling: Haiasi
Misspelled: Haisai

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Ok thanks for the spell check, but…

atp its getting excessive.

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Just doing it to improve clarity for the others (i know it’s not that much of a difference but sometimes it can be, and for some reason misspelled words trigger me)

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Yeah me too, I just want to post asap.
Now let’s get back on-topic.

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