How to Make a Blinking Lights Background! [đźź©]

Hello chat.

Today I will show you how to make blinking lights background!
It is a very good and beautiful background, so no more of my yapping, lets get to it!

Step 1: The Black Background

This step is as short as most new user guides short, but it is still important.
Grab a black barrier, and set the transparency to 1 and also make it have no border. Make it active on game start too.

What a beautiful demonstration of trending maps.

Settings of the barrier

If you need an explanation for this one I will eat you.

Step 2: Blocks

What’s a guide without blocks?
It’s no fun to not code :(

Here is some base devices needed for this:

  • Lifecycle
  • 3x Triggers (If you use a repeater I will eat you :)

The Lifecycle is listening for the game start. It will then transmit on “starBlinkLoop.”

All triggers transmit on “starBlinkLoop” and trigger when receiving on “starBlinkLoop,” making each one a trigger loop! :partying_face: But each one has different delays. Mine are 2, 3, and 5 seconds. Also the triggers are not visible, and don’t have player collision enabled.

And each one has these blocks:


When the game starts, it broadcasts on the channel “starBlinkLoop” which triggers the triggers because they trigger when receiving on that channel. Then the triggers broadcast on that same channel, which makes a trigger loop that repeats every x seconds. (x represents the delay.)
Then using blocks, it broadcasts a message on channel “deactivateStar” and then broadcasts a message on channel, “activateStar1”, “activateStar2”, “activateStar3”, “activateStar4” or “activateStar5”.

Step 3: Stars

Grab 5 texts. Make them white and have them have the text “+”.

Also make sure that each one is above the barrier layerwise and have a global content scope.
Have them all hide when receiving on “deactivateStar”.
But each one will have a special activation channel.

  • Text 1 will activate on “activateStar1”
  • Text 2 will activate on “activateStar2”
  • Text 3 will activate on “activateStar3”

Notice the pattern? Do the same with texts 4 and 5.

Then copy each one over and over again :grin: Very fun times :D


Each star deactivates on “deactivateStar” which is almost constantly. And each star activates on “activateStar1”, “activateStar2”, “activateStar3”, “activateStar4” or “activateStar5” after it is deactivated.


Please do note, that the delays on triggers are customizable, and will change the stars change rate.

Exit Poll

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(Removed the animation wiki poll, you can just add it in the animation guide.)


Now you can make a blinking lights background in GKC! And it doesn’t have to be lights, it can be penguins, Σ, and other things too! This is just a cool thing I found. <3
Happy Gimkitting!
~ @Bardy_2913


Massive W, Mr Bardy!

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you have to have an account on vimeo to watch, I think.

I know I made one :confused:

Uhh It might just be something with me tbh.

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Still not working.

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Uhhh, might just be a school restriction, or you don’t have an account on vimeo

It’s working on guest on mine

I am using my own, and I do have an account.
Cool guide though, I used something similar to this in one of my game, but this system is way more advanced, nice job!



Just curious, what was it?

Doesn’t work for me, and im on a school iPad.
How bout you use or a gif?


@stringdosalot Tysm!
Rip vimeo


please don’t eat me i have a family


Then I eat all of them :slight_smile:



bout to apply the rest of the stuff.

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then how are you gonna do blocks


Repeater then a wire repeater to access blocks :skull:

nah fr im gonna make this.

then im cooked.


wire repeaters don’t have blocks


oo blinking lights, cool!
If you want, you can go to for different stars or just use “.” and “+”