How to make a bank area (Credits @mushroom &@x.mochi) (Difficulty: 🟩)

Im going to teach everyone looking at this how to make a bank.

Step 1- Make your flooring and area. (I made the outside cinema carpet and inside concrete)
Step 2- Add Decorations to your bank

Step 3- Add a safe to the side with a little text (text is optional)

Step 4- In the wall make the tiniest slot so its not easy for players to get in.
Step 5- Add some lasers, any direction so its hard for players to get across.

Step 6- (OPTIONAL) Add a laser beam manager.
Step 7- Add a button and change the settings to mine

Step 8- Add a sign that has “Steal Money!” or something like that on it.

Step 9- Add an item granter and change the settings to something like mine (Amount of cash given is your choice)

Step 10- Connect a wire from button to item granter. {Button Pressed-Grant Item)
This is an optional step. If you don’t want player to keep on getting money endlessly add a sentry that will only activate once you get money so it is a ‘guard’ and will try to kill you.
Here’s my final bank:

That’s all! I hoped you like this tutorial and please tell me the difficulty of this challenge down below, thanks!


Nice guide!


¡Muy bien!

I suggest adding the diffuculty 0-2/10.

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This is way better than anything I could have done!


Thank you @The_Man, but are you positive about that? I think you could do better than me.

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Nice Guide!

:philippines: Magandang Gabay!


:philippines: Kahirapan?

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Ok, thank you @CassiusDoomlorde :)!

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@tspentakota I’m positive, I’m pretty bad at designing stuff.


I still am bad at it. I just figured I would give this tutorial a shot. I didn’t see much people have this, and I wanted to add it.

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It is really good, you should make more guides for people like me who need them.

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Thank you so much! I’m thinking about making another guide soon. I’m making a roleplay game so all these tutorials are for that while I’m making it.

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When you finish parts of the game can you make short tutorials like this one because they are really helpful?

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Sure, I can. I’m going to make a second tutorial right now.

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Nice guide!

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thats a very good guide @tspentakota! I might use it for my next map!

Nice guide!

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Thank you! I hope you have fun creating it!! :slight_smile: