How to Make a 3D Bridge That Opens and Closes

In this guide, I’ll be showing showing you how to make a 3D bridge, with doors that can open and close! This is the first guide I have ever made, so please let me know if there’s anything I can improve on.
Let’s begin!

What I set the bridge upon

There are many ways you can use a bridge, but I set it between two islands my friend and I were building.

Spring and Winter

Making the Bridge

First, use the exposed boardwalk terrain and place some fences on the sides of it.

Next, use two dark wooden poles to hold up the bridge. I added some dark blue water underneath it to give it a shadow.

Making the Doors

To make a door, select any prop of your choice and put it in front one side of the bridge. Go to settings and select show prop when receiving on “Close”, and hide prop when receiving on “Open”.

Photo of Settings


Now, you will need two buttons. For the first one, select when button pressed transmit on “Open”.

Photo for "Open"


Now do the same thing with the other one but instead, transmit on “Close”.

End Result

Thanks so much for reading! Have a good day/night : )

Oh, wait, I almost forgot! I need to make a poll.

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cool guide! maybe make some animations on opening/closing?


exactly! @ire that would get everyones attention @targaryen1387

I love your shadow effect but maybe make the supports bigger because those small supports somewhat ruin the image because they are so unnaturally small


There isn’t an option for alright so Ima just vot bad
It’s mid


This is really cool!


Cool guide. I was wondering, maybe you could use something other than terrain for the bridge (like two barriers) so you can do animations like ire said?


These are all really great suggestions! Making an animation sounds cool, I’ve never thought of that before.


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