How to Lose 50% Energy When Tagged (🟨)


ok, thanks for a second i thought he was talking about me, and im like, im not banned

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it still wont work for me
i also still need help on the notif system…

@TortoiseTank2 what is your property device settings


Okay. This, as far as I can tell, is the start of this whole argument. @CringeKarlScott accusing @Here_to_help of plagiarism. That is not a light charge. Here to help later goes on to say they didn’t see Karl’s guide, and claiming that the screenshots were his own. The way I see it, all that needs to be done is an apology from @CringeKarlScott for accusing @Here_to_help of plagiarism, and an apology from @Here_to_help for blowing up and getting @CringeKarlScott banned.


that is wrong! @CringeKarlScott never made a guide! he just told people in a help topic!

Did he use pictures?

i dont know! like i said i never saw it!

Okay. After looking at all four pictures, I have NO ACTUAL IDEA HOW @CRINGEKARLSCOTT CAN CALL PLAGARISM. The pictures aren’t even remotely the same. However, if @CringeKarlScott thinks that the whole post is plagiarized, then just look at what I did when I realized that @Cavaire3D already made a guide on TTT: I renamed it. @CringeKarlScott may not have made an actual guide, but he did help someone out WITH PICTURES, which is basically a guide in and of itself. @CringeKarlScott, just apologize and make it sincere. This is too much drama for a Wendsday. @Here_to_help, just add “Helpian” in the title somewhere. Please, everyone. Don’t let this issue tear our community apart.


These are @Here_to_help’s

These are CringeKarlScott’s
They look different to me.

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Mhm, agreed. LIsten to @ClicClac people. He’s wise.


I second that

I third that. Also, good job ClicClac cleaning up a conflict from a month ago that you notice was unresolved. Not a lot of people would do that.

ok, yes i overreacted. but i am not changing the title of this post. plus, i dont even like the whole ‘helpian’ thing. plus, on my post where i told him to back off, i got four likes, all by avengers, including you @NavyCatZ

so @ClicClac, of course i will forgive @CringeKarlScott if he apologizes. but as you said

So of course i was mad and i have the right to be. and at the time there was no guide. so deal with the name, but i will forgive him if he apologizes

I can easily forgive you for the name thing as Karl made a comment while you made a guide.

I know you’re upset. I have a HUGE problem when people take my stuff. Combine that with a generally forgetful person, and you get someone who accusses someone of stealing his X, even if X is on his head. However, as you grow up, you have to learn how to compromise. It can be hard, not thinking that you have to do anything because you feel wronged. That is normal and human, but you have to learn to get past it in order to have good relationships with other people. Also, if you put yourself in Karl’s shoes, how does he feel? It sounds like he acted like me when I lose something. He thought you took it, and didn’t check to see otherwise. You already forgave him. That’s good. The next step is to learn. Tldr: relationships are hard, I do not know how to give advice, learn to compromise, forgive, and forget.


yeah, you are right, I’ll even like that first thing tomorrow when I get likes again. Sorry @CringeKarlScott for being so mean, harsh, and continuous argument. I felt like I had been wronged, but I completely overreacted. I don’t need an apology, you have already gave one to my heart. FORGIVEN.


btw i have to gtg for the night it is late

You gave very good advice IMO :]

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