How to Get vitals from Among Us

Go to Map Options, and click Score. Make the Score Type “Amount Of Specific Item”. (Make the item something you don’t get in-game) Put whatever you want for the Score Name. Make the Score Group “Player”. If you’re making among us, On the “Show Leaderboard On Game End”, Put No. On the “Show Placement”, Also Put No.


what vitals?

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The Vitals from Among Us

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how does this create vitals?

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This just looks like a guide to bypass the among us leaderboard issue. Is there something I’m missing?

That too. But if you make people spectators when they die, they’re no longer on the leaderboard, meaning that it’s both.


@GimAI /gimai rate post

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The AI account is currently suspended (as you can see by visiting the account’s profile page)


But this would also eliminate all current ways of the kill button, so how would we know that we died?

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I could experiment right now. I will come back if I find any thing!

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Because once you die, you turn into a spectator, meaning that you’re dead

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The oldest unlocked guide bump.