How to end the game when there is only one team left?

umm, my system has no recursion tho…

lemme send you a picture of it

when the 4 counters hit 0 they decrement a counter and when that hits 1, the game ends, but it is always decrementing by 4 every 0.5 secs

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That looks pretty simple.
My friend @That_Fedora_Guy could use this post, he’s been struggling with counters

dude…your memory :skull:

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no he hasn’t


i wuv :heart: counters

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um, you don’t need repeaters… and its actually just 2 counters in total…


oop, but this is what we have, so tell me suggetstions on how to fix this

well… just follow what I told you to do in the post?
I tested that and it works.

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what if a player leaves?

it never decrements at all

hello someone help pls

I’m sorry, but I am currently purple status and cannot help at this exact moment.

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oh ok

I am not sure how to detect that. sorry.

the second counter only decrements when one entire TEAM is knocked out

what about when the team starts with no players

instead of the second counter having a starting value of 4, make the starting value 0, and wire a lifecycle to a relay: event occurs —> trigger relay
lifecycle: game start
relay: single player on every team

now wire the relay to the counter: relay triggered —> increment counter


whats wrong with my my memory??

29% only for that? That’s quite a bit