How to Create Quantum Portal Machineguns!

Bump! I like machine guns!

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Bump bump bump ahhh its godzilla!!!

also even with instant reload option in creative now, this can be used in games where you only want machine guns to be purchased upgrades not default…so this is still epic guide!

Bumpity Bump Bump

Can you add more photos to show how to make it. I am confused

they made instant reload without having to switch or spam number two/weapons.

I am confuse too , because the screenshots that I have seen the wires are traspassing each other, and this is what I get -

and I don’t know why the quantum portal is making millions of weapons
so anybody that knows how to make this , can you help me?

alternative title:
“how to vaporize a gim’s soul within 4 seconds”

o7 to the silenced jt



I mean wait. nvm someone used this guide oops.

Bump Bump BUmp Bump.
Machinegun bumper

yes, bump the machine portal post because

How did you find that one post?

i looked at all the posts and found that one

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how do you do it without spamming 2?

I saw a map in creative that doesn’t require spamming 2

  1. This is an old guide from July 2023
  2. Was it a sentry?
  3. Welcome to the forums!

A well deserved reusable bump.

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