How To Create An Infinite Hallway! [Difficulty 2/10 or 🟩]

They’re trying to compliment me, but they don’t know what to say. Honestly, I enjoy both replies and likes, but please don’t criticize people on how they choose to spread positivity.

Alright but @CringeKarlScott can explain why the like button exists.

I don’t think he needs to, I think both are good ways of appreciating things. Conversation over.

Alright, Agree-Disagree

It’s based on the creator’s preferences.

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Great guide! If you can perform this well enough, maybe you can even trick them for maybe 2 mins at max!

You can trick them for as long as you want, just have the bottom teleporter not have a target group, and they can only exit out of the bottom!

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to make it seem real is put the teleporter as far out as you can from the camera view far enough but you can still teleport

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Yea, but then they’re gonna wonder why a hallway is like 10 miles long. That’s why I said 2 mins max, because human patience is in the way.

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well its infinite and we will see how long they last

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New game idea, “The Waiting Game.”

its the never give up phonenom
where the guy gave up just before the diamonds but the guy above him kept going

they will likely think “hey lets give up”… “no maybe were almost there”


Could you make the infinite staircase from Super Mario 64?


P.S. did you know the music that plays while running up it in game is the same scale, just at higher pitches?

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Probably. No idea what your talking about, I know SM64 but probably.

But the hey lets give up, no maybe we are almost there can only go so long.

It’s a staircase. That seems like is never ends. But it does. After a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.

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seems similar to the PS99 one.

Use a counter, and basically every time you reach the end of the small stair, add one.

When it reaches a a certain target, for example, 100, make it so you reach the end


that’s cruel, but if they think there’s an end, then they’ll keep going for quite a while.

Emphasize on the word “think”


was this added to this utg yet? it should be, it’s so evil… heh-heh-heh…

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well come on it would be kinda funny to spectate and watch them just going on and on

especially if they were a mean person