How to create a randomizer that doesn't pick that same option again?

Well, you could set the original outcome to a variable. then, check if the new randomized thing is equal to the old one. if so, do it random again

but this is kind of hard and will break once you have another task happen since then

Are you trying to create a random order or select a few from a list?

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Select few from a list, why?

This is what I have so far with 5 tasks. I used a repeater to repeat the trigger 3 times so you would get 3 tasks.

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Because a random order is alot easier, I’ll try to work on somthing but I dont think it’ll work. Sorry

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(By the way, you can simplify and shorten that with concatenation, but since you have already placed all of that blockcode I wouldn’t do that for now. Just keep it in mind for future projects. Here is the link to a guide about it.)

Anyway, on each if statement add an “and” block. Place the “random task =_” block inside of it but also add a block checking if a property equals false(use the text block, not the true/false block so you don’t have to go through the trouble of turning the properties into true/false properties). If so, broadcast message on channel and set that property to true.

I forgot to add, at the start of the game connect a lifecycle to blockcode that makes the properties equal to false.

Also, welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy it here!

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I definitely do, it’s great to see what our community can accomplish!


Can’t you do that from the start, make the initial = to false?

Welcome to the forum, @WilliamWin_1!

I’m not exactly sure what you mean, but unless you place property devices every text property at the start, when left alone, will not have a value. You have to set them to have one if you don’t want property devices everywhere.

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very similar senerio

What do you mean by that?

For some reason, they don’t want to type out ‘Hello, welcome to the forums!’

To me, that’s offensive because I’m an atheist.

i am sorry

It’s ok, just stop posting about god all the time.

You could use 5 properties, named something like “task1done”, “task2done”, etc.
When it rolls the die, it checks to see if that number has been done. If it has, reroll, and if it hasn’t than tell it to execute the task and then set the property to complete of true or whatever.

Sorry NavyCatZ, didn’t see you had already said this.


You always say phrases like “Thank God” or “Oh my god”.

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I have said that a total of 4 times.

now lets get back on topic.