How to Create a Merchant System! Difficulty 7/10 or [ šŸŸ§ ]

)!pmuB tanchreM ot klaT(

)pmubgni edudes llā€™i pots(


(Talk to Merchant Bump!)

(Iā€™ll stop bumping guides)

How to traslate

My words are revesred, and not in the right order. Unreverse them and find the right order to understand:

pmub, yakO = Bump, okay = Okay, Bump.

Actual translation:

Talk to Merhcnat Bump!

stop Iā€™ll sedude ingbump


Why do we have to decipher your cryptic messages just to understand what youā€™re saying? Seriously, we shouldnā€™t have a message explaining how to decipher it as if most of your messages arenā€™t already bumps. Itā€™s fine if you wanna have fun, but please do it in a way that doesnā€™t harm how people view your message.


Screenshot 2024-03-10 2.29.07 PM
Thereā€™s a traslation

nice guide! now with the different cosmetics for sentries stache would be a better alternative!

I couldā€™ve done so much better on this guide, it felt so boringā€¦ :frowning2:


Nice guide! Can I link this to one of my guides and give you credit?


Great guide! You might want to use dropdowns and make the pictures smaller, so itā€™s easier to read. Otherwise, itā€™s awesome!

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Nighttime bump.