How to Become a GimAvenger or a Guardian of the Gimaxy


Still wantingā€¦

There should be a read time requirement for guardians or Gimavengers.

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Maybe like 12 hours or something, idk

those are nebulas, representing @WhoAmI

that would be zypheir

do you have to ping here?

I canā€™t find the post that was discussing tags, so Iā€™m putting this reply here. @kyro and @mysz can you delete every tag except for the stuff like fishtopia, resources, battle royale, psa, etc? (unless the owner wants you to delete them too) I feel like everything else is unnecessary and cluttering the forum page.

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80% of the way there

i will soon but im on a limit rn, so i gotta wait a bit but people can also edit out the useless tags on their posts to help

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You could probably do it yourself tomorrow as wellā€¦

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Just realized I canā€™t get regular for 5 months :skull:

I was demoted to 10 posts a day after off topic posting (1 month ago), and that canā€™t happen for 6 months for me to get it :frowning:


Oh can someone add psa tag to this?



who was spamming??

@here i know i resigned, but i want back in. is that ok?

Okay sure, whatever.

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! thank you so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The only person that really believed your resignation was you lol :rofl:

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