How to add meters to your game 3/10

step 1 get everything you need
get coordinates

then you need two propertys

then get game overlay

step 2
give to different names to property’s
Screenshot 2024-09-29 113007
step 3
look at you overlay and check if it is the same as mine

step 4
then go to map option and go to score and change score type to property and put the first property and change name to if you want

step 5 give a channel to game overlay

step 6 give then channel to the first property

step 7 go to your coordinates and say yes for update property and put in the first
property and put in y property

step 8 go to your first property and set to number instead of text

step 9 go to your second property and name it :meters

step 10 go into you game over and go to blocks and do as shown

and have fun!
(my first guide)

1 Like

it works

Screenshot 2024-09-29 115729

Nice guide! I will definitely use it later

thank you!!

:clap: :clap::clap:


did not know that! this is my first guide

Posting a “first guide” have nothing to do with this, you should search for anything similar to this guide before you post anything.
Also, the difficulty should be 2-3.


How is this 5/10??

Oops notyoyo jinx

@notyoyo I jinxed you. Also grammarly has like 50 new suggestions :skull:


is it too hard or to easy?

And the last thing: please never using random words as your channel in a GUIDE, some people can’t understand which one does it represents.


sorry. :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

Better essays for my literature teacher then!
