How many sentries can I have at one time?

Plz help I got it now

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A List to All Devices With Limits!

Also, the image may get you flagged. I suggest removing it.

Yay no Fortnite chicken

Welcome to the forums @1victoryroyale !

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Um, since you’re new, I’ll explain to you that photos like that aren’t allowed.

We now have 2999 users, 1 more!



Welcome to the community, @1victoryroyale! The sentry limit for a map is around 100 I think. If you have to many in one place, they might dissapeer!

Just 1 more!! Just 1 MORE!!!

I’m trying to take the picture off it’s not working!!!
Plz help

Should they add a special badge for being here for the 3000th member and a badge for being the 3000th member?


you need to add something else. also, to edit, click the 3 dots on your post, then click the pencil.

Just don’t worry about it.


he might as well make it his profile picture as a memory and joke and Boy that chicken looks goofy

But The amount of sentries if I remember correctly was like 50 to 100

Yes. Definitely. Absolutely!!! (Mabel. You know if you know) but if you don’t know she’s from Gravity Falls

okay guys, sorry for bringing it up, I just thought the 3000 was funny, but we’re drifting off-topic.

ngl, @CassiusDoomlorde, Im’ma make this my featured topic, lol


Thx super helpful extra letters

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