How is Invisibility possible?

u need to read.
we have already stated that it isn’t possible YET

no, dont u dare give me the its not impossible link. :rofl:

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Jk this isn’t possible… sadly

Solution right there 🡅
This or That isn’t a game mode anymore and now it’s been moved to discovery, with all mechanics and stuff working.


You can’t make yourself invisible, but you can make everyone else not able to see you.
We can do this with barriers, kinda like a blinding light.

Guys it’s not impossible Its “Jeff has not put that feature yet” -Blackhole

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@ACGames Please mark a solution :white_check_mark:

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I Have A Little Idea On How To Do It…


I will Make A Guide Soon.

I feel that you could make a X and Y detector, and teleport the player to a room, and at the end of the “invisibility” it teleports you to the last known location.

Don’t ping me if you don’t need me in the conversation.

Hi @ACGames,

Please mark a solution to this issue. As I have mentioned multiple times, the invisibility feature has not been added yet and is not available in any of your games.

The reason you encountered this feature in the game ‘This Or That’ is that it was created by the Gimkit Community, not by an individual user. The Gimkit Community has many features that we haven’t seen yet, and those will not be available until further notice.

This topic is starting to resemble a chat, so please avoid further discussion here. Let this be the final comment on this topic. Thank you!


You can’t make them INVISIBLE, but you can make them INVINCIBLE!
Here’s a link
How to add invincibility to your game (:green_square:)

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Or… it was a lag/glitch even though you can buy the InvisaBits, still IDK

Oh, by the way ACGames, you should probably mark a solution before this topic becomes a BIG conversation…

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Currently, as of right now, items like invisabits arent in creative right now, but HOPE that they will add it! Just like blackhole927 said, nothing. is. Impossible.

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I figured it out! This only works in theory.
What you do is teleport the player to a cut scene where they are under the primary layer of props. Then, have a sentry that somehow has their costume on and then when the player turns invisible the sentry is deactivated. The sentry will have text with the triggering player’s name below to simulate a username, and then they will also have the gadget the player had. Then, you can pretend that the player is invisible for the rest of the game by putting a darker barrier over the entire play area, or make it activate and deactivate when the player presses a button to simulate their invisibility turning on or off. When it’s on, the sentries will deactivate or not be able to fire or something because the player is “invisible”.
Does this work?

Here is a solution! Place a barrier with no collision and 1.0 transparency. Copy and paste that barrier and put the second one in a higher layer than the player. Now, place the higher barrier on top of the original one. Now, the player can walk through that area being “invisible”! Here as an image for proof:

I hope this helps!

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