How do you make sentries move with you

I’m building a map and ran into a problem. I wanted to know how to summon senetries on your team and move with you

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to move with you would require a placement of a new sentry hidden until you walk into a zone. But that would take up all of you memory very quickly. Just being honest there really is no efficient way to move a sentry. But to do it you can use a zone form of animation.


you can do that, or search in “How to make a sentry move”

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ok then how do you teleport a sentry to you whenever you want.

it have to be placed every where and they only move by teleporters in a platformer mode. not top down.


thats what i have it in

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thank you very much for the help

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ok so it will work just follow this guide. How to Make a Sentry Follow You [Sorta Mini-guide] 1/10