How do you make it so that you have a certain chance of getting something?

So like in my game if you get a certain item you can auction it off but I want to make it so that there are multiple of you getting some bad amount of cash and some good amount of cash.

Sorry, I don’t understand, what do you want?

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Using block code you could get a variable and set it to a 1 in (insert chance here).
here is an example for your scenario, @Ghassan :
Screenshot 2024-06-07 12.58.43 PM
this works by first checking if a 1 in 5 chance has been made. If it has, it gives you a small amount of money. Then it checks if you made a 1 in 10 chance. If it has, it will provide you with a large amount of money. If neither of the chances are made you will get the normal amount of money


greenbean7’s works, but there are chances of nothing happening if either randomizer doesn’t hit one, so just use this, or this guide.

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there are randomizer guides on the forums, remember to search before you post.
and also a lottery ticket guide

what do you mean? there is an else prompt that gives the player a normal amount of money.


But randomizers can be way simplified.
Set random to random integer 1 to 10
Broadcast message on channel create text with random

The random integer is 1-5, so if the randomizer doesn’t land on five, then nothing happens, so there’s a one-in-five chance that nothing happens.

Do you know what an else statement is?


Aight didn’t see that. Sorry about that. Well, then it works.