How do you make it so if a property is a certain value for over a second it transmits on a channel?

That’s what I was going to say ;-;

sorry i’m just saying:)

Also, slightly off-topic, but I think it would be more respectful of you to not include that quote in your bio- it’s just rude to other people’s lifestyles and will hurt them. Do you really want to be that person? The person known as one who is unsupportive of others in general? Probably not. If so, I would recommend removing it and replacing it with something more positive or neutral about yourself.


sry no problem:) anyways back on topic
i changed it
thx for this messege
let this be a message to all people

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Mark a solution?
Just wondering, why does it need to be at least 1 second?

Uhhh, was my suggestions helped you?

no sorry:(

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im using this guide, so when it resets, (the counter doesn’t show it) but it is at 0 for a tiny fraction of a second, so i need it to be 1 second so it can verify that it is out of players.
pls don’t critize me for being 6 hours late i was sleeping:)

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